Tuesday, November 06, 2018

The Doubts

               We as humans are Social. Each one of us is blessed with unique talents, unique behavior, different choices & most importantly, different attitudes and perspectives. Highlighting this fact, its obvious to understand that each person has to be dealt perfectly in the way which is needed. There are many people around us, Some are very close to us, some are just friends while some are mere acquaintances, its true that not all are alike, We as humans are a member of many circles – the professional circle, friend circle , family circle and more;maybe! But what truly matters in our lives is the intimate circle. Everyone of us have people in our lives who are very close to us, who love us, who care for us, who respect us, who cherish our presence, who make us feel special and most importantly who make us realize our mistakes. All such people in our lives are never perfect, they too have faults. But ignoring those faults and cherishing those moments with such ones is important and wise.
               We may have confronted various people of various types in our past lives and we'll surely in future. Some of us may haveexperienced all the nice from people. Hence, we may consider everyone to be good as them, which is a common myth. While done of us may have been a victim of people’s selfish behavior and might have experienced much unexpected and bad things from them. But that surely doesn't mean that you’ll be facing people of the same type in upcoming life.
                  We’re all humans, who think in all possible directions. Hence we possess a feeling of  doubt when someone is merry to us. Doubting everyone’s' merry behavior not only hurts us but also the person whom we doubt. When we doubt such person's affection towards us, we’re actually disrespecting the person and that affection. Its important for us to remember that not everyone is selfish & wicked. Its we who create a belief about them and begin to disdain our relations with the. that's why person unnecessarily. It never costs us to be good to these people who would not want to lose you.Its Important for us to understand that we cannot stop someone from loving us if they really want to ; as they may have unconditional affection. We just have to cherish such people in a way that whenever they are asked to recall you, their face brighten ups with a merry smile and they have all those best memories you had. Its quite important to be associated with such people and have merry relations with all of them because if such people didn’t exist, the world would have either become a playground or a terror ground, places where someone or the other has to lose. But the world should be like a garden – different fragrances and beauty ; but a single feeling of cheerfulness and happiness.
                    Afterall,  there can’t be any better feeling in this world than receiving back the Love and Affection from the person you love .

                   Dedicated to my schoolmate who recently shared his dilemma with me. “Everyone has faults but ignore them”(My dear Sister's Line….. ….. )