Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What for 2020 ?


"Everyday is a New Life for a Wise Man"
- Dale Carnegie

                     2019. One more year passed, new lessons learned, new experiences gained and so on. It remarkably ends now. Each passing year ameliorates our life & living. It makes us older, no doubt; but at the same time it makes us stronger, courageous, wiser and more aware of our responsibilities.
                     So how was 2019? Some of you  might say - the best, some of you may quote it as the worst year of your life; while some of you might be in the between (that 'OkOk' stuff maybe).
                      Now just close your eyes for a minute or two. Recall all the stuff right from the first day of 2019 to date. What have you achieved? - be it personal, professional, social & so on……… Some of us might have made good friends, established new connections, started up something new or might have gone on a memorable trip with family or friends. There is also a possibility that some of you might have developed differences about something or someone, or might have stuck at some bitter memories from 2019. But are these bitter memories worth to be taken in 2020, or they just need an end and we need to let them go? Well, the choice is ours obviously whether to replicate 2019 in 2020, or have an astounding 2020!
                      Every one of us is well off with the fact that we have to eliminate our bitter flashbacks so that they don't block our way in creating new memories & good experiences. So, how to do that? Write down all your bitter memories & regrets, fear and insecurities one by one on a sheet of paper. As soon as you have written about them, have a glance at that sheet. Now tear that sheet of paper into pieces, letting go all that bitterness that you had been keeping along with you. Throw those pieces into the dustbin. Now that you have thrown those pieces, understand that your bitter memories have left you with those pieces, moved into the dustbin and are no more a part of you. This may seem a bit funny at first, but this method can actually help you. After you have done this, take another sheet of paper and list all your achievements, strengths, goals, qualities all those things that you are grateful for and everything else that will make you happy. Read that sheet of paper again & again when you will be sad the next time. This sheet will always tell you that you are special and unique, no matter whatever anyone tells you anything about yourself.

                   2020, yet another year; is indeed special. Let us make the year 2020 as the year of our dreams. Let us understand why we are actually doing whatever we do. Let us have a vision of 2020 for ourselves; so that at the end of 2020, each one of us becomes a person who is more mature & happy. Love your loved ones - your family, friends and especially yourself. Be grateful for whatever you have. Work for yourself & choose happiness. Keep aside the 365 paged book of 2019 aside and let us begin the new 366 paged 2020.
                   Thank you for reading. I wish you all the very best for 2020.
 Stay in shape😝
Stay unique🙃
Be Happy😊 & don't forget to Smile 🙂
After all, each one of you is special♥️!!!
Happy 2020!

(Image Courtsey : Pixabay)