Friday, April 17, 2020

Did you meet yourself?

Hi folks! Hope that you all are safe at your homes and having a memorable lockdown.
        The current situation is indeed troublesome for all of us. Our lives are off track. I’m deeply missing my normal life - my friends at college, my roles in there and also the daily chit-chats that add up to priceless memories. Everything is at a halt. We all are in our homes, getting bored each day, binge-watching online stuff, eating and sleeping. But there's something that you can try!
        Even if the lockdown has abandoned our social life, it has offered all of us a golden package - an opportunity to know yourself, an opportunity to meet yourself; an opportunity to cherish yourself...
It is true that we know a lot more about everyone, but we don't know who we are! All of us do remember the basics of our biographies but we have hardly met ourselves which is why many times people decide our worth and there is nothing left for us than to soak their verdicts into ourselves.

       We know much about others - you know what is the favorite dish of your best friend or partner, you are aware of his or her mood swings. Well, that's too good and appreciative, thus ameliorating the bond of both of you.
 But wait! Do you know what are you best at?
                 Do you know what makes you happy internally?
                 Do you enjoy how you're spending time with yourself?
                 Do you know how to love yourself?
       Well, if your answer to any of the questions is No or if you are confused, you surely haven't yet met yourself! Its nothing to panic either. Most people across the world aren't able to do so even until the end of their lives; thus always staying dependent on external factors for their own well being & happiness, leading them to set impossible goals for themselves - "I can remain happy only when I'll have a loving and caring partner”, or “I'll be happy only if my friend(s) understand(s) me”, and many such Our own happiness never has to be dependent on such external factors which are beyond our control.

       There goes a saying – “Life is all about finding and creating yourself". It seems simple, but if pondered on, it can take you to on the best journey - The journey which you'll start within yourself to meet your own self.
Meeting yourself is not too difficult, not so easy either. It may take days, months or even years; but once this journey is complete, you'll become happier, more peaceful, more satisfied & contented.
       So, from the next morning, you wake up, rush to the mirror to see yourself, give a smile and ponder for a while on how beautifully you have been made by nature, no matter what anyone says or thinks about you. This exercise may sound a bit crazy, but do give it a try every day, till you understand & realize how important you are not only for yourself but for everyone around. When we are a perfect & stable identity for ourselves, we will be a little less hungry for praise, a little less worried by the opposition, and much more original in our own thoughts.

       So, in this lockdown, - Start living with yourself. That surely doesn't mean that you need to stay inside a closed room for the whole day looking at yourself in the mirror, but it means that you've to start learning and analyzing yourself. So, take a pen/pencil and a blank paper, write an essay on yourself and read it often - keep changing it regularly as you get to know more and more about yourself and keep working accordingly. I assure you that one day, it will change into one of the best biographies, the day when you'll feel that you're the happiest person on this planet .......
And Bravo! You'll thus create yourself,

       Thank you for reading. Love you all. I hope that the next time we met, you'll be a new 'you', having known much about yourself."

(Image credits ; The images used here have been designed using the resources from Freepik)