Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New Year Tale ❤️

We are now at the end of the year 2018 and are all set to welcome a new station of our life – 2019. We are all set to welcome this grand new year, a brand new and a blank diary of 365 pages.
The year 2018 has been added as a new non – fictious novel of experiences to our lives.
Each one of us has a unique story to share.
Some of us may have won something, while some of us may have lost something. Some might have received heartbreaks, while some of us might have won someone’s heart. Some of us understood who was temporary, who gave temporary pain, but permanent scars and permanent lessons. Some of us might have also understood who is permanent, who are always available for you and helped you along and didn’t expect any thanks. Some of you might have earned certificates and awards for your skills while some of you might have lost just by a bit. And a lot many things; maybe.
Well, these were the things that happened. Lets talk about what we did.
Some of us might have pointed out someone else’s  mistakes, since it is very easy to point out mistakes of someone and its very hard to praise the efforts. ; since we are habited to judge others for that 1% flaw and not for the 99% efforts. Some of us might have been a reason for someone’s smile, while some of us helped someone in their progress.
Summing all this, we could experience this year of ups and downs – which went off teaching many lessons of life. This year increased our level of maturity, made us realize what is important in our life, what we need to focus on, what we need to throw as a trash, and so on.
We as humans are the most talented beings on this planet. We simultaneously handle our families, our closed ones, our friends and acquaintances ,our academics and what not! Just close your eyes for a while and look back at 2018. Whatever you saw was a new experience in all.
Situations teach us everything. They shape us. They show us true faces of people around you, they show us who is temporary, who is permanent.  They show us who really cares and who doesn’t. Situations are an exam where we understand how mature we have become, how stronger we have grown. They show us what is important and most importantly, what and who literally matters.
In this upcoming year, never run behind fake people, but focus and run behind your goals. The people who love you, care for you and want to be with you, will automatically stay in the process to encourage you. They will give you more importance than your assets. They will stay along when you will be busy running behind your goals. These are the only ones who deserve your value, your time, your support and care.

We need people around us for our personal development, such ones those who teach us how to love ourselves. Having a few good ones is enough than a big fake crowd. A good association is very much essential. Just having a boyfriend or girlfriend does not guarantee you love; but having a very few people in our life who care and and even when you hurt them to the extreme, they will still hold your hand and say “I am and will always be there for you”, is what literally matters; because they love you and the ones who do, will always find a way to do so. Never take such people for granted, for they aren’t stupid , but they love you and hence always find out a reason to be always there for you.

So in the new year, lets retain such lovely ones and build memories with them. Surely,  such lovely people can tell you a lot more about you than you might be knowing about yourself. Having such ones is a very rare gift!
In this new year, lets be a ideal person, an ideal child, an ideal friend, and an ideal sibling! Let us be inclined towards our goals.
Let us experience a new trip or journey; let us pay attention towards our academics and personal progress..
Let us invest in ourselves and in our permanent people; and at last, lets leave behind the trash in 2018.
The coming year is full of infinite possibilities and surprises. We have a brand new book of 365 pages. We just need to compose it properly with the colourful ink of excitement and inspiration, which will trigger us throughout the year for all this.
I wish all of you a very happy new year.

Thank you.


  1. #flawless
    I became your big fan.
    Keep writing.
    God bless uh☺️

  2. Excellent parimal........
    Its all true fact each one of us face in our life .
    Keep it up .
    Stay blessed and happy new 2k19

  3. Really Cool bro...
    Wriiten Directly from Heart.

  4. Awesome...
    You Articulated your thoughts soo nicely 👌👌
