Monday, August 05, 2019

F-R-I-E-N-D (S)

Human beings are designed in such a way that they are in constant need of love, care as well as affection during all times in their lives. This is the reason why we seek for companionship at each and every point in our life. We make friends and maintain a closely knit relationship with them because friends not only take away the feeling of void from your life; rather they also make us feel secure and accompanied as an individual. We have seen friendships going on for several years and sometimes even for a lifetime with people constantly taking care of each other and maintaining a bond based on trust and care.

Most of us have friends, or at least  one friend—someone we spend time with, someone who knows us better than others do, someone we can count on when the need arises. It’s been said that a friend is a gift that we give ourselves.

Yet, how much time do we really spend thinking about those people who matter more to us then all the other people we meet and interact with throughout our life, sometimes including family?
A good friend shows up no matter what. A true friend supports and encourages us, tolerates our shortcomings, accepts us unconditionally, and cares for us no matter what. 

The creatures we don’t share a drop of blood with, yet hold the closest spot in our hearts. The crazy bunch of idiots who laugh shamelessly in our faces at the most embarrassing moments, yet make us strong in the tough times. The ones that call ugly and fat all our life yet get angry when someone else disrespects. The bunch of people who our parents trust more than us. In short, “Siblings from different mother.” That’s what friends are.
Friends are our family outside the closed walls of the house. They have a huge contribution in making us who we are as individuals. Their importance in life is indescribable.
Friendship isn’t how you forget, but how you forgive.
Not how you listen, but how you understand.
Not how you see, but how you feel.
Not how you let go, but how you hold on.

Friendship is like a rainbow. We share different colours of feelings,love,sadness,happiness,faith,secret and respect.
Friendship is not about finding similarities, but is about respecting differences.
Friendship is not about language of words, but meanings.
Friendship is the only relationship which is not default, coz we choose our friends.
A true friendship is like a mirror, showing you about yourself……

We share such things with our friends which we would not share with our families either.
Friendship helps us in meeting with ourselves, making us feel special. In true friendships, it is not necessary that you will always need to tell your friend(s) about the things in your mind. He/She/They  will often make it out about it and ask you. Friendship is not about physical company, but it is about mental partnership. If you are just physically present with someone (physically present but mentally either in your phones or some random thoughts) its useless being with them. Friendships always help to make you realize who you are and distance & priorities are never a barrier here.
Just think about the journey of your own friendship with one of your friends. Just compare the first time you met your friend and the moment today – I’m sure, you’re laughing, coz it was one the best journey from FORMALITIES to INFORMALITIES.

Our school days, our college days, our everyday….is incomplete without at least – Food or a call/Message from our friend. Sorry if I missed anything.
Where there is true Friendship,
There’s no INTERFERENCE, there is CONCERN;
There’s no DISTURBANCE, there is COMFORT;
There’s no pointing out, there is ACCEPTANCE;
Coz a true friend always makes you – laugh a little louder,
                                                                     Smile a little brighter,
                                                                    & live a little better,
                                                                     THAN BEFORE.
So on this day today, cherish your friend(s) – maybe he/she needs your company, your help, your words, your cheers & everything good that you can; because Friendship is not just limited to this day, but is worth cherishing to eternity.
Dedicated to all of you
Thank you for reading.


  1. Awesome Brother....... Ur genius 🤓😎😜

  2. You realise the importance of friendship well Parimal! Best wishes

  3. Damn truee... You are a perfect writer..Wish uh the same parimal dada❤️❤️

  4. Well written bro.. Happy Friendship day..

  5. Friendship the unbreakable bond between humans.
    Written with a beautiful heart.
    Great work Buddy
