Sunday, June 28, 2020

Mental Health & Indian Society

We are born and we naturally keep growing day by day. As we grow, we are made to fit in a society and it's so-called social rules, maybe by our parents or by other members of society. But isn't it important for all of us to understand that this is 'our' life and is precious than anything else in this world! I don't really know the answers to many of the questions in our social system, as many of them are baseless.

Mental Health is a sort of TABOO for the Indian Society, a stigma that has not sought approval from members of the Society. Many people in our society are unaware of what mental health and well being actually is. Boys are told right from childhood that "LADKE NAI ROTE (Boys don't cry)" But why? Boys aren't robots. They have emotions too. It's nothing wrong if men feel shy or cry. Crying is not a sign of weakness as our society has portrayed it. Indian society lacks awareness and sensitivity on the topic of Mental Health which is why 7.5% of the Indian population suffers from some form of mental disorder (source: A WHO report 2019). The worries of "LOG KYA KAHENGE" should end.

According to a research, it is clear that social media is the biggest reason for mental health issues everywhere around the world. WHO predicts that by the end of 2020 the 7.5% mark of India will rise to 20% which is really alarming. We need to be social in real life. Social media is just an asset. We need to understand that social media is for our betterment and not to shift our lives from real to virtual. In other words, social media is "fakest" and a dangerous place and one of the primary venues for mental health issues. Day by day it seems that social media is becoming the new "real" world and the real world is turning "fake". It does not matter how many followers you have or how many likes you get, but it does matter as to how many real people are there to lend you an ear when you need to have a quality conversation which is not possible virtually. 

Our society and we all as a part of it need to ponder on how it has changed so much; the same society which worships Gurus and the first Counselor - Lord Sri Krishna and the same society which has the best life counseling books - The Bhagavad Gita, the Bible, the holy Quran and so on as its religious scriptures.

Our World is colorful. We just need to have a "KALEIDOSCOPIC" view to see it's true beauty.



Friday, April 17, 2020

Did you meet yourself?

Hi folks! Hope that you all are safe at your homes and having a memorable lockdown.
        The current situation is indeed troublesome for all of us. Our lives are off track. I’m deeply missing my normal life - my friends at college, my roles in there and also the daily chit-chats that add up to priceless memories. Everything is at a halt. We all are in our homes, getting bored each day, binge-watching online stuff, eating and sleeping. But there's something that you can try!
        Even if the lockdown has abandoned our social life, it has offered all of us a golden package - an opportunity to know yourself, an opportunity to meet yourself; an opportunity to cherish yourself...
It is true that we know a lot more about everyone, but we don't know who we are! All of us do remember the basics of our biographies but we have hardly met ourselves which is why many times people decide our worth and there is nothing left for us than to soak their verdicts into ourselves.

       We know much about others - you know what is the favorite dish of your best friend or partner, you are aware of his or her mood swings. Well, that's too good and appreciative, thus ameliorating the bond of both of you.
 But wait! Do you know what are you best at?
                 Do you know what makes you happy internally?
                 Do you enjoy how you're spending time with yourself?
                 Do you know how to love yourself?
       Well, if your answer to any of the questions is No or if you are confused, you surely haven't yet met yourself! Its nothing to panic either. Most people across the world aren't able to do so even until the end of their lives; thus always staying dependent on external factors for their own well being & happiness, leading them to set impossible goals for themselves - "I can remain happy only when I'll have a loving and caring partner”, or “I'll be happy only if my friend(s) understand(s) me”, and many such Our own happiness never has to be dependent on such external factors which are beyond our control.

       There goes a saying – “Life is all about finding and creating yourself". It seems simple, but if pondered on, it can take you to on the best journey - The journey which you'll start within yourself to meet your own self.
Meeting yourself is not too difficult, not so easy either. It may take days, months or even years; but once this journey is complete, you'll become happier, more peaceful, more satisfied & contented.
       So, from the next morning, you wake up, rush to the mirror to see yourself, give a smile and ponder for a while on how beautifully you have been made by nature, no matter what anyone says or thinks about you. This exercise may sound a bit crazy, but do give it a try every day, till you understand & realize how important you are not only for yourself but for everyone around. When we are a perfect & stable identity for ourselves, we will be a little less hungry for praise, a little less worried by the opposition, and much more original in our own thoughts.

       So, in this lockdown, - Start living with yourself. That surely doesn't mean that you need to stay inside a closed room for the whole day looking at yourself in the mirror, but it means that you've to start learning and analyzing yourself. So, take a pen/pencil and a blank paper, write an essay on yourself and read it often - keep changing it regularly as you get to know more and more about yourself and keep working accordingly. I assure you that one day, it will change into one of the best biographies, the day when you'll feel that you're the happiest person on this planet .......
And Bravo! You'll thus create yourself,

       Thank you for reading. Love you all. I hope that the next time we met, you'll be a new 'you', having known much about yourself."

(Image credits ; The images used here have been designed using the resources from Freepik)

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What for 2020 ?


"Everyday is a New Life for a Wise Man"
- Dale Carnegie

                     2019. One more year passed, new lessons learned, new experiences gained and so on. It remarkably ends now. Each passing year ameliorates our life & living. It makes us older, no doubt; but at the same time it makes us stronger, courageous, wiser and more aware of our responsibilities.
                     So how was 2019? Some of you  might say - the best, some of you may quote it as the worst year of your life; while some of you might be in the between (that 'OkOk' stuff maybe).
                      Now just close your eyes for a minute or two. Recall all the stuff right from the first day of 2019 to date. What have you achieved? - be it personal, professional, social & so on……… Some of us might have made good friends, established new connections, started up something new or might have gone on a memorable trip with family or friends. There is also a possibility that some of you might have developed differences about something or someone, or might have stuck at some bitter memories from 2019. But are these bitter memories worth to be taken in 2020, or they just need an end and we need to let them go? Well, the choice is ours obviously whether to replicate 2019 in 2020, or have an astounding 2020!
                      Every one of us is well off with the fact that we have to eliminate our bitter flashbacks so that they don't block our way in creating new memories & good experiences. So, how to do that? Write down all your bitter memories & regrets, fear and insecurities one by one on a sheet of paper. As soon as you have written about them, have a glance at that sheet. Now tear that sheet of paper into pieces, letting go all that bitterness that you had been keeping along with you. Throw those pieces into the dustbin. Now that you have thrown those pieces, understand that your bitter memories have left you with those pieces, moved into the dustbin and are no more a part of you. This may seem a bit funny at first, but this method can actually help you. After you have done this, take another sheet of paper and list all your achievements, strengths, goals, qualities all those things that you are grateful for and everything else that will make you happy. Read that sheet of paper again & again when you will be sad the next time. This sheet will always tell you that you are special and unique, no matter whatever anyone tells you anything about yourself.

                   2020, yet another year; is indeed special. Let us make the year 2020 as the year of our dreams. Let us understand why we are actually doing whatever we do. Let us have a vision of 2020 for ourselves; so that at the end of 2020, each one of us becomes a person who is more mature & happy. Love your loved ones - your family, friends and especially yourself. Be grateful for whatever you have. Work for yourself & choose happiness. Keep aside the 365 paged book of 2019 aside and let us begin the new 366 paged 2020.
                   Thank you for reading. I wish you all the very best for 2020.
 Stay in shape😝
Stay unique🙃
Be Happy😊 & don't forget to Smile 🙂
After all, each one of you is special♥️!!!
Happy 2020!

(Image Courtsey : Pixabay)

Monday, August 05, 2019

F-R-I-E-N-D (S)

Human beings are designed in such a way that they are in constant need of love, care as well as affection during all times in their lives. This is the reason why we seek for companionship at each and every point in our life. We make friends and maintain a closely knit relationship with them because friends not only take away the feeling of void from your life; rather they also make us feel secure and accompanied as an individual. We have seen friendships going on for several years and sometimes even for a lifetime with people constantly taking care of each other and maintaining a bond based on trust and care.

Most of us have friends, or at least  one friend—someone we spend time with, someone who knows us better than others do, someone we can count on when the need arises. It’s been said that a friend is a gift that we give ourselves.

Yet, how much time do we really spend thinking about those people who matter more to us then all the other people we meet and interact with throughout our life, sometimes including family?
A good friend shows up no matter what. A true friend supports and encourages us, tolerates our shortcomings, accepts us unconditionally, and cares for us no matter what. 

The creatures we don’t share a drop of blood with, yet hold the closest spot in our hearts. The crazy bunch of idiots who laugh shamelessly in our faces at the most embarrassing moments, yet make us strong in the tough times. The ones that call ugly and fat all our life yet get angry when someone else disrespects. The bunch of people who our parents trust more than us. In short, “Siblings from different mother.” That’s what friends are.
Friends are our family outside the closed walls of the house. They have a huge contribution in making us who we are as individuals. Their importance in life is indescribable.
Friendship isn’t how you forget, but how you forgive.
Not how you listen, but how you understand.
Not how you see, but how you feel.
Not how you let go, but how you hold on.

Friendship is like a rainbow. We share different colours of feelings,love,sadness,happiness,faith,secret and respect.
Friendship is not about finding similarities, but is about respecting differences.
Friendship is not about language of words, but meanings.
Friendship is the only relationship which is not default, coz we choose our friends.
A true friendship is like a mirror, showing you about yourself……

We share such things with our friends which we would not share with our families either.
Friendship helps us in meeting with ourselves, making us feel special. In true friendships, it is not necessary that you will always need to tell your friend(s) about the things in your mind. He/She/They  will often make it out about it and ask you. Friendship is not about physical company, but it is about mental partnership. If you are just physically present with someone (physically present but mentally either in your phones or some random thoughts) its useless being with them. Friendships always help to make you realize who you are and distance & priorities are never a barrier here.
Just think about the journey of your own friendship with one of your friends. Just compare the first time you met your friend and the moment today – I’m sure, you’re laughing, coz it was one the best journey from FORMALITIES to INFORMALITIES.

Our school days, our college days, our everyday….is incomplete without at least – Food or a call/Message from our friend. Sorry if I missed anything.
Where there is true Friendship,
There’s no INTERFERENCE, there is CONCERN;
There’s no DISTURBANCE, there is COMFORT;
There’s no pointing out, there is ACCEPTANCE;
Coz a true friend always makes you – laugh a little louder,
                                                                     Smile a little brighter,
                                                                    & live a little better,
                                                                     THAN BEFORE.
So on this day today, cherish your friend(s) – maybe he/she needs your company, your help, your words, your cheers & everything good that you can; because Friendship is not just limited to this day, but is worth cherishing to eternity.
Dedicated to all of you
Thank you for reading.

Saturday, July 27, 2019


“The expression one wears on one’s face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one’s back.” – Dale Carnegie.

We all live in this bustling world, all ready with our set of daily activities to outperform those of the previous day. In doing this all, we may abuse someone for their behavior, regret for actions and be worried; maybe for no reason. In this smartphone world, where all these things discharge us, there is something that consistently keeps us charging…………………. Well , other than food or drugs, the most beautiful five lettered word – SMILE, the sweetest of all gestures.
Smile is just flexing  your  face muscles, shaping your lips & highlighting your dimples (well if you have…..). But  this flex is the biggest stress buster which not only boosts your immune but also boosts mood. A smiling face is always contagious, like a magnet attracting everyone. A smiling person always has a special identity wherever he/she  goes, like a fragrant flower diffusing positive vibes all around.

Surprisingly, smile is the 2nd habit of the “43 Habits of Happy People.”  Well, happiness is a choice and smile is the first stage to it. Whenever  we see kids, they have a smiling face. This is the reason they are always happy – they have  no grudges on anyone, they don’t have useless breakup stories, no holding on to things….. their smile deletes all these errors from their system .
A smile is much more than a million words and hence it is demanding and is the world’s best  networking medium.

If we think for a while and analyze for ourselves, we will come across much useless stuff on which we frequently waste our time & energy. But if we use some of its fraction to smile, it would not only make our day, but also of others.
“If we don’t laugh at the same joke again, why do we keep on crying on the same problems again and again?...........Keep Smiling!!!!!!”
-          Gaur Gopal  Das

So, when you wake up in the morning, see yourself in the mirror, give a contagious smile and start the best day ever. Give the best smile you can ever give, because your smile would not only make your day, but  also of others around you. 

 Even 2Pac, the rap legend that passed away realised the benefits of smiling, in his lyrics to ‘Power of a Smile’ he raps:
The power of a gun can kill, and the power of fire can burn
The power of wind can chill, and the power of mind can learn
The power of anger, can raise inside until it tears you apart
But the power of a smile, especially yours, can heal a frozen heart.

 Video courtsey YouTube (
Image Courtsey : Pixabay images 
Thank You.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New Year Tale ❤️

We are now at the end of the year 2018 and are all set to welcome a new station of our life – 2019. We are all set to welcome this grand new year, a brand new and a blank diary of 365 pages.
The year 2018 has been added as a new non – fictious novel of experiences to our lives.
Each one of us has a unique story to share.
Some of us may have won something, while some of us may have lost something. Some might have received heartbreaks, while some of us might have won someone’s heart. Some of us understood who was temporary, who gave temporary pain, but permanent scars and permanent lessons. Some of us might have also understood who is permanent, who are always available for you and helped you along and didn’t expect any thanks. Some of you might have earned certificates and awards for your skills while some of you might have lost just by a bit. And a lot many things; maybe.
Well, these were the things that happened. Lets talk about what we did.
Some of us might have pointed out someone else’s  mistakes, since it is very easy to point out mistakes of someone and its very hard to praise the efforts. ; since we are habited to judge others for that 1% flaw and not for the 99% efforts. Some of us might have been a reason for someone’s smile, while some of us helped someone in their progress.
Summing all this, we could experience this year of ups and downs – which went off teaching many lessons of life. This year increased our level of maturity, made us realize what is important in our life, what we need to focus on, what we need to throw as a trash, and so on.
We as humans are the most talented beings on this planet. We simultaneously handle our families, our closed ones, our friends and acquaintances ,our academics and what not! Just close your eyes for a while and look back at 2018. Whatever you saw was a new experience in all.
Situations teach us everything. They shape us. They show us true faces of people around you, they show us who is temporary, who is permanent.  They show us who really cares and who doesn’t. Situations are an exam where we understand how mature we have become, how stronger we have grown. They show us what is important and most importantly, what and who literally matters.
In this upcoming year, never run behind fake people, but focus and run behind your goals. The people who love you, care for you and want to be with you, will automatically stay in the process to encourage you. They will give you more importance than your assets. They will stay along when you will be busy running behind your goals. These are the only ones who deserve your value, your time, your support and care.

We need people around us for our personal development, such ones those who teach us how to love ourselves. Having a few good ones is enough than a big fake crowd. A good association is very much essential. Just having a boyfriend or girlfriend does not guarantee you love; but having a very few people in our life who care and and even when you hurt them to the extreme, they will still hold your hand and say “I am and will always be there for you”, is what literally matters; because they love you and the ones who do, will always find a way to do so. Never take such people for granted, for they aren’t stupid , but they love you and hence always find out a reason to be always there for you.

So in the new year, lets retain such lovely ones and build memories with them. Surely,  such lovely people can tell you a lot more about you than you might be knowing about yourself. Having such ones is a very rare gift!
In this new year, lets be a ideal person, an ideal child, an ideal friend, and an ideal sibling! Let us be inclined towards our goals.
Let us experience a new trip or journey; let us pay attention towards our academics and personal progress..
Let us invest in ourselves and in our permanent people; and at last, lets leave behind the trash in 2018.
The coming year is full of infinite possibilities and surprises. We have a brand new book of 365 pages. We just need to compose it properly with the colourful ink of excitement and inspiration, which will trigger us throughout the year for all this.
I wish all of you a very happy new year.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

The Doubts

               We as humans are Social. Each one of us is blessed with unique talents, unique behavior, different choices & most importantly, different attitudes and perspectives. Highlighting this fact, its obvious to understand that each person has to be dealt perfectly in the way which is needed. There are many people around us, Some are very close to us, some are just friends while some are mere acquaintances, its true that not all are alike, We as humans are a member of many circles – the professional circle, friend circle , family circle and more;maybe! But what truly matters in our lives is the intimate circle. Everyone of us have people in our lives who are very close to us, who love us, who care for us, who respect us, who cherish our presence, who make us feel special and most importantly who make us realize our mistakes. All such people in our lives are never perfect, they too have faults. But ignoring those faults and cherishing those moments with such ones is important and wise.
               We may have confronted various people of various types in our past lives and we'll surely in future. Some of us may haveexperienced all the nice from people. Hence, we may consider everyone to be good as them, which is a common myth. While done of us may have been a victim of people’s selfish behavior and might have experienced much unexpected and bad things from them. But that surely doesn't mean that you’ll be facing people of the same type in upcoming life.
                  We’re all humans, who think in all possible directions. Hence we possess a feeling of  doubt when someone is merry to us. Doubting everyone’s' merry behavior not only hurts us but also the person whom we doubt. When we doubt such person's affection towards us, we’re actually disrespecting the person and that affection. Its important for us to remember that not everyone is selfish & wicked. Its we who create a belief about them and begin to disdain our relations with the. that's why person unnecessarily. It never costs us to be good to these people who would not want to lose you.Its Important for us to understand that we cannot stop someone from loving us if they really want to ; as they may have unconditional affection. We just have to cherish such people in a way that whenever they are asked to recall you, their face brighten ups with a merry smile and they have all those best memories you had. Its quite important to be associated with such people and have merry relations with all of them because if such people didn’t exist, the world would have either become a playground or a terror ground, places where someone or the other has to lose. But the world should be like a garden – different fragrances and beauty ; but a single feeling of cheerfulness and happiness.
                    Afterall,  there can’t be any better feeling in this world than receiving back the Love and Affection from the person you love .

                   Dedicated to my schoolmate who recently shared his dilemma with me. “Everyone has faults but ignore them”(My dear Sister's Line….. ….. )